Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Free and Easy Way to Get “High” with Digital Drugs

What are Digital Drugs?

"Digital drugs" are special audio files, which exactly simulate in our minds the different feelings, sensations and states like happiness, love, euphoria, orgasm or drunkenness.

To immerse yourself in another reality you will need:
* CD/MP3 player, computer or any audio device that play the MP3 format;
* headphones;
* download special audio files "Digital drugs" from the Web.

Some relaxing "Digital drugs" are best to listen to before falling asleep, while others, conversely, are best to cheer yourself up and to improve your self-confidence. Read the description of "Digital drugs" and choose a suitable one for your situation!

How Does it Work?

Now, we know that music can influence mood, but can it really lead to significant changes in brain state? Perhaps. These so-called digital drugs are not merely music, they involve the generation of something called binaural beats. These are rhythmic illusions created through the presentation of sounds with different frequencies to the left and right ears.

The principle, although it has not been thoroughly researched, is that a difference between these two frequencies – say 30 Hertz – will lead to a brainwave state approximating the same frequency.

Brainwaves are the synchronized electrical pulses given off by the neurons in our brains, and are measurable using sensors placed on the scalp. It is believed that certain frequencies relate to certain states of consciousness, such as meditative states.

Users claim to use binaural beats for diverse purposes including meditation, concentration aids, hypnosis, relaxation and sexual stimulation. These has been some research into binaural beats can have a positive psychological impact in improving relaxation, mental performance, concentration and mood. However, there is certainly no academic evidence to suggest effects on the brain of the same order of that created by the ingestion of recreational drugs.

Why It May be Easier than Meditation?

Unlike traditional meditation, which can take years to become an ingrained, effective habit, brainwave entrainment can start taking effect from your first session, at least for some people.

Meditation centers around clearing your mind, quieting distractions and stray thoughts, and focusing on a single mantra or idea. It sounds simple enough… but you’re probably familiar with the fidgety, frustrated feeling that washes over you when you realize your mind has wandered again (for the fifteenth time, since you sat down three minutes ago).

Entrainment shortcuts this time-consuming, often challenging process, and is associated with the same benefits of meditation, including:
* Reduced anxiety and stress
* Better focus and mental clarity
* Better immunity
* Reduced incidence of chronic illness and injury
* Better proprioception
* Deeper sense of satisfaction and peace

A range of simple techniques can enable your brain to drop into that synchronized, meditative wave pattern in just a few minutes.

Your brain experiences four main types of electrical waves. These are Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta waves. Each type of wave is responsible for a different level of awareness and mental function.

Most of us spend most of our time experiencing Beta brain waves.

These happen at a frequency of 14-30 Hz, and create a waking state of the normal, alert consciousness.

Alpha waves, occurring at 9-13 Hz, is the state you experience when your mind and body are winding down for the day. You are awake, but relaxed and maybe a little drowsy.

Theta waves set in at 4-8 Hz, and are the most variable waves. You can be sleeping lightly and dreaming with Theta waves or awake while in deep meditation or experiencing reduced awareness. A Theta state increases creativity and your capacity for problem solving, as your subconscious mind is more active and accessible.

Finally, Delta waves take over at 4 Hz or below. At this point, you are usually in deep, dreamless sleep and have no awareness of your body.

It is the Theta waves that you want to create, and this is where tools like binaural beats, monaural beats, and photic driving, come into play.

Choosing binaural beats that have frequency differences of between 4 and 8 Hz can allow you to drop in Theta states very quickly. By repeatedly exposing your brain to hemispheric synchronization like this, you train your mind to slip easily into that creative, solution-focused flow state that allows you to perform at a higher level.

Binaural beats are just one method of brainwave entrainment. Any rhythmic audio or visual stimulus can lead you to that meditative state – whether it is a drum beat, a flickering light, or simple music. Most binaural beats use soothing sounds, like flowing water, bells or quiet music, as a vehicle to deliver the alternating frequencies to your brain.

What Developers Say?

With a "digital drug", you can touch those parts of your mind usually reserved for the momentary peaks of our existence. This is a totally legal, completely safe, non-addictive binaural beat recording that releases endorphins, the body's natural "happy pill", to bring about an elevated mood state.

You simply slip on the headphones and relax. You feel soft and cosy. As the noises swish around inside your head, you gain a total sense of clarity and harmony. Your brain naturally generates and releases endorphins, enkephalins, endogenous opiates, and serotonin... your mood elevates, pain disappears, fears and anxieties are crushed. You steadily begin to realize your sensitivity has increased. Suddenly everything looks brighter and more beautiful. Why don't people usually see this? You feel like a famous movie director, with a very special lens on life.

You're totally conscious with amazing clarity of mind. You feel a sense of euphoria. You close your eyes and can suddenly visualize anything you dream of. It's truly amazing. And it doesn't just last for your sixty minute session... this is a totally natural "high on life" digital drug, with the effects lasting for hours afterward... no sudden "drop down", no adverse effects. It's just a feel-great, total-mind state of happiness, pure and simple.

As part of our dedication to being an open, transparent organization, here are the frequencies utilized in the production of the Digital Drug CDs:
* 0.5 - 1.5 Hz - Endorphin release
* 0.9 Hz - Euphoric feeling
* 2.5 Hz - Production of endogenous opiates (pain killers, reduce anxiety)
* 4.0 Hz - Enkephalin release for reduced stress
* 10 Hz - Enhanced serotonin release. Mood elevation, arousal, stimulant
* 14 Hz - Awakeness, alert. Concentration on tasks
* 20.215 Hz - Brings about safe LSD-25 effects
* 30 Hz - Used for safe marijuana effects
* 33 Hz - Hypersensitivity, C. consciousness
* 38 Hz - Endorphin release
* 46.98 Hz - Visualization effects, when used with 62.64 & 70.47 Hz
* Carriers: 90 - 110 Hz - Pleasure-producing beta-endorphin rise
* 111 Hz - Constant beta endorphin release
* Special effects: Light panning phaser effect on the 10 Hz chord

Does it Work?

People say different – some say yes, that works great, some say – no, and that feels awful, and some say – feel nothing. Well, that leads to the conclusion that people are different, files have different quality, and there are numerous external factors, which may play different roles to affect your perception.

If you want to try, start from the free but tested source, so you waive the massive amount of the files, scattered only, of questionable quality.

The leader provider, i-Doser ( offers three Free Doses for you to try. To perform a clean experiment, follow all the recommendations.

It might work for you, it might not… While there is no danger on possible addiction or health hazard, be careful with this experiment, and use the following safety rules:
* Using digital drugs is NOT recommended for people younger than 21, and strongly not advised for anyone younger than 18.
* If you feel discomfort, negative emotions, splashes of fear and anger, stop the experiment, and avoid using the negatively affecting file again. Just accept that this digital dug is not for you.
* Drink some water prior to your experience. Brain wave entrainment slightly increases your metabolism and can make you thirsty during your digital drug or brain wave entrainment experience.
* Adjust your mp3 player equalizer to a heavy 'Bass' setting. Too much treble can offset the effect by increasing the background sounds over the actual digital drug tones.
* Sit or lay down. Try not to move around. Moving too much can interrupt the target brain wave pattern.
* Keep your mind focused on relaxing and enjoying your experience as much as possible. Start your session at a time when you will have no distractions or interruptions.
* Listen to the digital drug or brain wave entrainment for the full length of each track.
* When the digital drug or brain wave entrainment has finished, continue to relax and allow yourself to feel the effects.

Sources and Additional Information:

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